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Man Walking in Fields

Survey Results
 by Community 
by Neighborhood 

The purpose of this survey is to gather your valuable feedback in order to improve and maintain a high quality of life within our
Indian Creek HOA community.
How satisfied are you with the common area landscaping?
How satisfied are you with the landscape entrance into your neighborhood?
How would your rate the Carrollton City parks in your neighborhood?
Have you been to any social events?
Would you like the HOA to have more social events?
Would you pay a small fee for premium social events?
Select events you attended.
How would you rate the overall safety in your neighborhood?
Would you pay a small increase in HOA dues for improved security measures?
Have you experienced any theft, vandalism or crime in your neighborhood?
Security Options (cost are estimated)
How do you rate code enforcement by the HOA regarding homeowners' landscaping?
How do you rate code enforcement by the HOA regarding homeowners' homes?
Areas the compliance team should focus on.
Areas the compliance team should focus on.
How satisfied are you with the HOA Board?
How is the HOA communication from the Board to you?
How would you rate Goodwin Management?
Which statement do you agree with most?
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