Town Square handles the payment processing for Indian Creek HOA. When you click on this link you will be redirected to an Indian Creek HOA log-in on Townsq's management's portal. You must have a log in to review your account and/or make payments. If you do not have an account, you may register for an account by following the instructions on the page.
To register you will need your Account Number, Postal Zip Code, First and Last Name. Your account code will be printed on your statement or coupon book. If you do not have the account number, please contact or call accounting help 855-289-6007.
You can always make your payments in person by delivering your payment to Dylan Townsend at the clubhouse. Please call prior to your arrival to make sure Dylan is on site. Please contact for any issues with the web site.
Meeting Minutes & Financial Reports
Certain documents and HOA information generated by the HOA or on behalf of the HOA are considered information exclusive for our residents. This includes, but are not limited to, board meeting minutes and financial reports. This information is available to all our residents. You will need to have your log-in and password for TownSq's web page to access this information. Clicking below will redirect you to the web page.
If you forgot or need a log-in please click below and follow the instructions for receiving your log-in credentials.