About Us
Community Committee
We have so many talented residents in the neighborhood. We all know great reliable vendors, a favorite local restaurant, landscaping tips or discovered government programs that can benefit us all. Together we can bring incredible value to our residents and HOA community. The community committee was built to allow residents like you to participate easily. Share your knowledge and contacts with neighbors. Just check out the groups below. I bet you can think of ideas, vendors or places as you read down the list. Share your thoughts - your neighbors will thank you.

Current New Projects
Our Community Committee has just been created. November 2022. Great time to get involved. Some great ideas already suggested are being implemented based on neighbor's input.
Pet Registration Page: Register pet with photo, name and contact info - find a lost pet, look on the page and let your neighbor know - you found their pet. You just made a new best friend.
Vendor Portal: Suggesting vendors for different services. Need a vendor check our portal first.
Restaurant Page: Links to favorite restaurants along with special offers for just our HOA.
Join Us: By join we mean share your knowledge. If you want to be on a committee even better. Committe members get business cards, to make it easier to spread the word. Meet neighbors and get recognition on our web page and emails for your efforts.