Landscape Committee
Early Spring

Time to prepare your yard for spring growth. Check out the links below for details on the proper fertilizer to use, when to apply. Should you dethatch your grass, trim back bushes, flowers? We have the answers to help you have the best-looking yard, while saving you money.

Looking For Weed & Feed Service?
Many services provide weed and feed services along with pest control for lawn, bushes, and trees. The landscape Committee is working with several companies to arrange a discount program for HOA residents. We are also building a referral page for these services built by our residents for your convenience.
Enjoy your beautiful landscape - Easy does it, with complete care.
We are working with some local companies for HOA resident discounts on sod.
The Top 6 Trees to Plant in North Texas for a Beautiful Yard
Bald Cypress Tree:
Shumard Red Oak Tree:
Magnolia Tree:
Crepe Myrtle Tree
American Smoketree
Live Oak Tree:

Sprinklers Love them Hate Them
You got sprinklers? They are so great when working. Maybe you can repair the broken head once in a while, but cracked pipes, broken valves. Call the experts. Rain shutoff, blue tooth controllers, drip lines are all nice new additions. Check out our list of reliable sprinkler service and repair companies.
Looking For Trees?
Looking For Sod?

You like doing yard work - great! You want someone to take care of the yard for you - Great!
If you need a reliable crew, check out some of the referred vendors for yard maintenance. These companies work in our neighborhood with your neighbors.

Looking For Lawn Service?
Looking For Tree Care?
Trees in North Texas are a valuable asset to your property's value. As trees age and mature proper maintenance helps them deal with Texas brutal summers and quick freezes. From foundation issues, storm damage and insects let's help our trees win the battle. Trees are Beautiful!