Upcoming Events and Information
Live Event May 20th 10am - 12pm
Outside on Band Stage
by Tennis Courts
Bring your lawn chairs!
Speaker Anne Stahel Thornton, MAT, ALEC
Collin College, Director of Agriculture
Are you interested in vertical farming, beekeeping, or hydroponics? The agriculture department led by Anne Stahel Thornton, teaches scientific principles to work and gain hands-on experience from industry professionals in topics ranging from urban farming, greenhouse crop production, greenhouse management, sustainable practices that translate to large or small farm operations, and animal husbandry.
Anne is bringing her knowledge of agriculture and gardening to the members of Indian Creek to discuss the art and science of raising plants and learn sustainable practices for human benefit. She will also be available to answer any questions you have on native planting, different gardening methods and timing of planting a backyard plants so everyone attending can be a more confident gardener this season.
Ann Stahel Thornton is a native north Texan who obtained her BS in Animal Science from Texas A&M University. She is a Certified Composite Science and Agricultural Sciences teacher with 25 years’ experience. She received her MAT from Mary Baldwin University and holds Graduate Certificates in ALEC Leadership & Pedagogy and from TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY’s ALEC program. She is a highly esteemed expert in the area of agriculture and conducts seminars along with her students across the north Texas area.
A raffle will be held and 7 lucky winners will take home a gift from the landscape committee. Everyone receives a package of free wildflower seeds.
Live Event April 12 6:30 pm
Indian Creek Clubhouse
Liz Moyer
Denton County Master Gardener
Instructor, Native Plant Sociey of Texas
Our program, “Natives in the Suburbs and How to Love them,” will be delivered by Liz Moyer of the Denton County Master Gardeners Association and the Native Plant Society of Texas. Having lived in North Texas over forty years, Liz sympathizes with our special gardening challenges. She will discuss how to include natives in a traditional landscape that will keep you and your neighbors happy! It's been very popular and is based on my own experiences adding many beds of natives to our home landscape in Flower Mound.
Liz grew up in Central Texas near a farm her grandfather purchased in the late 1880’s and has been a resident of North Texas over 40 years. She has been a Texas Master Gardener for fourteen years and a member of the Native Plant Society of Texas since its founding in the early 1980’s. Liz is especially interested in bringing more native plants to home and commercial landscapes so that Texas looks like Texas!
Great event over 42 residents enjoyed this educational event!

John Tomlinson
Master Arborist TX-3280B
Southern Charm Tree Care
979.450.9642 cell
"We are approaching the time of year that the live oaks begin to molt. Unlike most trees, live oaks don't drop their leaves in the Fall and regrow them in the Spring. Instead they drop their old leaves at the same time the new ones are growing. This results in some very unattractive trees for a couple of weeks and the excessive pollen turning everything yellow. Many people don't realize why the oaks are looking bad and will call an arborist about their "sick" tree. It's most likely nothing to worry about, but that being said, never hesitate to call your arborist if you have a tree health concern."
Resident Question
When can I plant flowers in Dallas?
March is the time to start planting gardens full of your spring blooming favorites, vegetables like tomatoes or peppers, blooming shrubs, spring flowers, and more! For your vegetable gardens, start planting beds full of cool season vegetables.